Intro to CSS.

Reading Re-cap
Introduce Project 1
Selectors & Specificity
The Box Model
Browser Quirks

Reading Re-cap

John Allsopp
  1. A Dao of Web Design - John Allsopp

    John is proposing embracing the web as a unique medium, and not one bound by the constraints of it's parent medium (print). Unfortunately, (a decade later) business still dictates design before code. Bugetary constraints prevent us from being able to present variations of designs to suit every device and platform. Graphic and print design by nature prevents the approach John is speaking of. The recent movement towards "responsive design" is bringing about an understanding among clients that pixel perfection is less important than producing an interface properly crafted for the platform. The visual design process itself needs to continue to account for resolution and platform responsiveness if we are to truly move in the direction of the Dao.

Reading Recap

Jeffrey Zeldman
  1. From Table Hacks to CSS Layout: A Web Designer's Journey - Jeffrey Zeldman

    Just be thankful that you'll never have to feel pain like what he describes in this article.

Project #1 - Due 3/2

  1. Build a simple website.
  2. Use everything you've learned.
  3. Be creative.
  4. You will have 5 minutes to present your website in class on 3/2.
  5. You will be graded on semantic and syntactic correctness, use of a variety of HTML & CSS tags, visual design / aesthetic, & creativity / uniqueness.


How to connect CSS to HTML


Calculating order of importance

The Box Model


Browser Quirks

eyes of disapproval
Cons: non-semantic markup. Better to use conditional comments.


Assignment #3:
Apply CSS to Resume

Awesome videos & people you should know

  1. Paul Irish:
    The Best of Paul Irish in 2011
  2. Doug Crockford:
    Crockford on JavaScript: The Complete Series
  3. John Resig:
    Talk: The DOM is a Mess